Monday, July 8, 2013

Blue One Water Park in Gyeongju

           One of the coolest things about teaching Elementary English is that I get to tag along with the kids on their field trips. This past trip, we went to Blue One Water Park.
            I nearly got through the entire day without feeling awkward, but of course you can’t have a student outing without some sort of incident.  We arrived around 10 am and at about 1:45pm or so, my co-teacher said,"let’s go take showers before the students come back". This made complete sense. I really didn’t feel like exposing myself to anyone, least of all my students. I already heard about one foreign teacher who went to a Korean spa (the kind where you don’t wear any clothes) and ran into one of her students there. Could you imagine hearing, “Hi teacher!” completely in the buff and turning to see one of your students waving at you? No thanks.
            Unfortunately, we didn’t get to the showers fast enough. Even though I hid in the back, every few seconds some naked little girl would peak her head around the corner and then run away. I did not take my clothes off. I rinsed off in my capris and shirt. I didn’t even strip to my swimming suit.  Yes, I may be a coward, but at least I can still say that none of my students have seen me naked. I don’t even know where my co-teacher went or how she avoided it, but I ran back to the lockers after that.
        Anyway, here are some pictures of less awkward moments in our adventure at Blue One:


I forced my co-teacher to go on the scary blue ride first. Since you had to have four people on it, we went with a random couple. I wimped out, closed my eyes, and held on for my life. It was a blast!




This ride looks tame, but during certain parts of the floating trip, water would come gushing at us like a tidal wave and push us down through the tunnels.

Even at water parks, couples wear matching outfits.

During certain times of the day, this pool becomes an artificial beach with giant waves and everything.

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